Bright by Text: Text Messaging Partnership Supports At-Home Learning and Access to Community Resources for Families with Young Children

Because we understand parenting can be challenging and kids don’t come with instructions, Strong Starts Chautauqua is here to help—one text at a time.
Today, Strong Starts Chautauqua proudly announced it has teamed up with Bright by Text, a national texting program for parents and caregivers, to put expert tips, games and child development information directly into the hands of families. The texting service includes topics like brain development, games and activities, health and wellness, STEM, safety and more. Bright by Text partners with experts like Public Broadcasting System (PBS), Vroom, Sesame Street, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),American Academy of Pediatrics, and others to develop content for families with children aged prenatal to age eight.
In addition to expert content, families will also get information specific to Chautauqua County, highlighting services, resources and low- or no-cost events.
Bright by Text helps parents and caregivers make the most out of time with their children by illustrating fun and easy activities, providing positive parenting tips and resources, and even video content to guide a child’s development. The program is proven to build nurturing caregiver-child relationships, and positively impact a child’s healthy development and school readiness. Parents and caregivers can feel assured that they are receiving important local announcements and information specific to Chautauqua County, thanks to Strong Starts Chautauqua and its partners.
To sign up, parents and caregivers with children under 8 can text the word STRONGSTART to 274448.
The service is always free, and includes two to four text messages per week with links to tips, short videos and related resources.
Strong Starts Chautauqua is a coalition of more than 50 organizations that work with pregnant individuals, young children and their families to provide a healthy, strong start in life for all of the county’s children so they can reach their full potential. More information can be found at: